If you’re new to accepting card payments or are switching your provider, please read our frequently asked questions about card processing.

Will it cost me to leave my current supplier?

“It depends on your agreement. There may be cancellation costs if you end your contract early with your current provider. However, PayGateway may be able to offer you a cashback payment that could cover these costs.”

How long will it take to set up my PayGateway account?

“Our aim is to get you up and running, ready to accept card payments within one working week. This includes setting up a merchant account and a terminal / payment gateway. To reduce delays, it is paramount you fill in the applications as accurately as possible together with all the requested supporting documentation”

How long does it take for the money to go into my business bank account?

“Funds will be settled into your account three working days after the day the transaction was taken. For example if the transaction occurred on Monday. The funds would appear in your bank account on Thursday”

What terminal devices do you offer?

“We offer a range of terminals to suit your needs. A fixed countertop for customers who typically queue at a countertop. A bluetooth enabled device for serving staff to attend customer tables. A GRPS / wireless for situations where greater mobility outside is required.”

How do I take card payments over the telephone?

“We can offer a Virtual Terminal to take secure card payments over the telephone. A Virtual Terminal is a web-based portal for merchants to enter card data into a PCI DSS Level 1 compliant system. Neither a website or physical device is required”

What card types and payment methods can I accept?

“All major card types can be accepted including Visa and Mastercard. Payment methods include Apple Pay and GPay. Our online payment gateway can also support over 100 different alternative payment methods.”